
From the CEO Bookshelf

The Rookie CEO: You Can’t Make this Stuff Up by Bill Miller Check out this remarkably insightful book that explores the journeys of nine first-time CEOs. Bill Miller skillfully examines the triumphs and setbacks experienced by this group of rookie leaders. Packed with valuable lessons, this book can help you navigate and overcome potential obstacles as you steer your business toward success Think being a CEO is all glamour, public relations and monitoring stock prices?  Maybe for large corporations, but not for a small business CEO.   However, the focus for both types of CEOs is the same—work on the business and

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Small Business, Big Results: The Mastermind Advantage

Running a small business is no small feat. You have to stay on top of daily operations, manage finances, monitor your marketing and worry about finding and keeping good employees.  You have to wear many hats. The challenges you face can be daunting, and the path to success can be a lonely journey. But what if you could tap into the collective wisdom of other business owners, gain new perspectives, and break through barriers with the support of like-minded individuals? Enter the concept of a mastermind group. What is a Mastermind Group? A mastermind group is a where members meet

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Marketing Lessons From Woodstock

The Woodstock Music Festival, held in August 1969, is remembered as a pivotal moment in rock-n-roll history and the most iconic event to represent the counterculture movement of the 1960’s. I recently had a chance to visit Bethel, NY (where the Festival took place) to check out the site and attend a concert.  Prior to my trip I started to wonder: How the hell did 500,000 people get enough info to make their way to the Woodstock Music Festival without, Facebook, Instagram, email, Ticketmaster or Uber? So, after a little research, I concluded that Woodstock is a shining example of

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Chaos to Control: Time to Hire a COO

Running a small business often feels like wearing multiple hats at once. As a founder or CEO, you juggle the roles that span from daily operations  to strategic planning. This hands-on approach is typical in the early stages, but if growth is your goal, this structure  has to change. To really grow, you need to hire a competent #2 person or Chief Operating Officer (COO). Why a Strong #2 Matters You may think a Chief Operating Officer is a fancy corporate title and only fits in for large corporations.  But it can have other names and in reality, it is

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Why Finding Talent is Harder Than Ever

The current labor market has a lot of folks confused. On the one hand, we have historically low unemployment rates but on the other hand many small and large businesses are finding and retaining key talent has become extremely challenging. This situation has perplexed employers and HR professionals, leading many to reconsider traditional hiring and retention strategies. There has been a ripple effect from the pandemic and the priorities of job seekers has changed. This requires shifting our hiring focus from rigid job descriptions to skill-based assessments, in line with Jim Collins’ philosophy of “getting the right people on the

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