
Rocket Fuel

“Rocket Fuel” by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters provides a blueprint for businesses that want to get to the next level of growth by creating a dynamic partnership between the CEO of the business (The Visionary) and the COO (The Integrator). The clear delineation of roles and responsibilities between the CEO and the COO will provide the “Rocket Fuel” to maximize the skills of these two positions.  Even though it is only 178 pages, it is packed with real work examples and clear strategies to get you on the way. Understanding CEO and COO Relationship At the heart of

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KPIs are not just for MBAs

When the term Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is mentioned, many quickly associate it with business school curriculums or big corporations. While it’s true that the concept of KPIs are taught to MBA students,  it is crucial to understand that they are an important tool in managing a large corporation but also a small business. Basically, KPIs are metrics utilized to track the performance and progress of a company.  They offer an accurate measure of success, providing clear indicators of areas doing well and those needing improvement. If you run a multi-national corporation or you’re the proud owner of a cozy

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Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself

Mike Michalowicz is one of my favorite business authors because he provides practical ideas that are easy to understand and implement to help a small business succeed. “Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself”   offers workable strategies to anyone looking to create a self-sustaining business model. The book is broken down into three phases: 1) Align, 2) Integrate and 3) Accelerate.  Each phase shares numerous concepts and examples for each of these phases. The overall focus of the book is to exp lain that a business owner does not need to be held hostage by his or her business but needs

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How CEOs Manage Time

How CEOs Manage Time It’s the scarcest resource you have. How you allocate it matters—a lot.  Time management is just as important for a small business owner as it is for a corporate CEO.  Both positions require a significant amount of time and energy.  However, there is a problem, there is never enough time. As the CEO you must manage your time to navigate the complex and demanding  challenges confronting your business by having a blend of strategic thinking, decision-making, and implementation steps to move your business forward.  You should already have some type of time management system in place. 

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From the CEO Bookshelf: The Structure of Success

If you are a small business owner you want to do everything possible to achieve success and avoid failure.  As the CEO of your business, you are the chief decision maker and you must make a lot of decisions. The fate of your business is directly influenced by the internal and external structures that you use to make decisions.  In The Structure of Success written by Patrick Esposito, he lays out a framework for making decisions but more importantly he provided relatable examples that you can use in your business. From the onset, Esposito introduces his readers to a thoughtfully

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