Small Business

Marketing Lessons From Woodstock

The Woodstock Music Festival, held in August 1969, is remembered as a pivotal moment in rock-n-roll history and the most iconic event to represent the counterculture movement of the 1960’s. I recently had a chance to visit Bethel, NY (where the Festival took place) to check out the site and attend a concert.  Prior to […]

Why Finding Talent is Harder Than Ever

The current labor market has a lot of folks confused. On the one hand, we have historically low unemployment rates but on the other hand many small and large businesses are finding and retaining key talent has become extremely challenging. This situation has perplexed employers and HR professionals, leading many to reconsider traditional hiring and […]

Sizzling Summer Growth Strategies

When we think about the Summer, we think sun, vacation and relaxation. But did you know,  it’s also a golden opportunity to grow your business. Whether you’re in professional services, hospitality, retail, IT, personal care, or any other industry, the summer months provide a unique opportunities to grow. Here are some great strategies to help […]

KPIs are not just for MBAs

When the term Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is mentioned, many quickly associate it with business school curriculums or big corporations. While it’s true that the concept of KPIs are taught to MBA students,  it is crucial to understand that they are an important tool in managing a large corporation but also a small business. Basically, […]

How the Consumer Confidence Index can help your business

As the CEO of your business, you worry about daily operations, but you also need to be forward-looking and keep an eye on future economic conditions. Since most of us are not economists and do not have a crystal ball we have to make a best guess about where the economy is heading. A good […]

Super Bowl Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

This year’s Super Bowl was a mega-event watched by over 120 million people.  That’s a lot of eyeballs!!  There was some great football with a come from behind win by the Chiefs, a much-anticipated half-time show with Usher and Taylor Swift got  more than a few moments of TV time.  But how about the commercials? […]

What’s on the Small Business Radar for 2024?

As the CEO of your business, it’s vital to stay ahead of the competition and maintain a forward-looking mindset. However, with emerging technology and unpredictable economic conditions, what key areas should you be looking at? It is a good idea to check the radar screen for new opportunities and challenges for your business. But are you […]

Navigating the Small Business Lifecycle

Navigating the Small Business Lifecycle From Start-up to Exit Strategy Over time, your business will experience different challenges and stages of growth.  Each stage of the “small business life cycle” requires a different set of strategies to succeed  Check out the graph.  Where is your business? There are four distinct stages of business growth : […]

The Power of Thanksgiving

Gratitude Marketing for Small Businesses Thanksgiving is more than a holiday, it’s a state of mind. Embodying this approach in your business can have significant benefits. Every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday renowned for encouraging feelings of gratitude and appreciation. But wouldn’t it be magnificent if we brought this spirit to our business strategy? […]

Camden County Small Business Revenue

What percentage of small businesses in Camden County bring in more than one million dollars  in sales each year? Before we answer that, let’s first spend a minute to define what we mean by small business. The SBA definition of a small business is 500 or fewer employees. The Small Biz CEO thinks that is […]