
From the CEO Bookshelf

The Rookie CEO: You Can’t Make this Stuff Up by Bill Miller Check out this remarkably insightful book that explores the journeys of nine first-time CEOs. Bill Miller skillfully examines the triumphs and setbacks experienced by this group of rookie leaders. Packed with valuable lessons, this book can help you navigate and overcome potential obstacles as […]

Small Business, Big Results: The Mastermind Advantage

Running a small business is no small feat. You have to stay on top of daily operations, manage finances, monitor your marketing and worry about finding and keeping good employees.  You have to wear many hats. The challenges you face can be daunting, and the path to success can be a lonely journey. But what […]

Chaos to Control: Time to Hire a COO

Running a small business often feels like wearing multiple hats at once. As a founder or CEO, you juggle the roles that span from daily operations  to strategic planning. This hands-on approach is typical in the early stages, but if growth is your goal, this structure  has to change. To really grow, you need to […]

KPIs are not just for MBAs

When the term Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is mentioned, many quickly associate it with business school curriculums or big corporations. While it’s true that the concept of KPIs are taught to MBA students,  it is crucial to understand that they are an important tool in managing a large corporation but also a small business. Basically, […]

How are Small Businesses Doing?

We are swimming upstream as we look at all the data that tries to explain the performance and health of small businesses.  Numerous trustworthy surveys exist, each featuring their own methods and objectives aiming to accurately portray the small business environment. Which survey provides the most accurate view? The Small Biz CEO has examined quite […]

Can Phillies Go from Good To Great?

If you are like me, you had a big disappointment when the Phillies lost Game 7 of the League Championship series a few weeks back. While it will sting for a while, the team will be back in 2024 and make a strong run for the World Series again. Sometimes with my clients, I use […]

Finding More CEO Time

What Time Is It? Finding More CEO Time The roles and responsibilities between a small business owner (SBO) and a Corporate CEO are unique, thus their time and task management will reflect these differences.  Both have to make key decisions about the future of their business and both have to find what I call “CEO […]

Meet the Father of Retail Marketing

Meet the Father of Retail  Marketing What would he think of SEO? You may not be familiar with John Wanamaker but he is one of the great pioneers of marketing. He opened a retail store in Philadelphia during the early part of the 20th century which grew to 16 stores and eventually became part of […]

How Much Does a DELCO Business Make?

What percentage of small businesses in Delaware County bring in more than one million dollars  in sales each year? Before we answer that, let’s first spend a minute to define what we mean by small business. The SBA definition of a small business is 500 or fewer employees. The Small Biz CEO thinks that is […]

Get the CEO Mindset

Transforming small business owners into CEOs means helping them shift their mindset and approach to running their business. While small business owners may focus primarily on the day-to-day operations of their business and focus on tasks such as customer service, marketing, and sales, a CEO takes a broader view of the business and focuses on […]